capa: Ana Carolina de Oliveira
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EDITORIAL | | TEXTOS | No primeiro parágrafo da abertura do Seminário I, Lacan parte do peculiar modo de agir de um mestre zen para caracterizar a epistemologia e, depois, a prática da psicanálise. O presente artigo visa a investigar esta curiosa associação. ABSTRACT In the first paragraph of his first Seminar session, Lacan uses the metaphor of the Zen master to delineate the epistemology of Psychoanalysis and introduce his particular perspective on the issues of the discipline. This paper investigates the curious association between the analyst and a figure from the Eastern tradition. Lacan e Derrida são dois pontos altos do pensamento francês no século XX. Este artigo propõe uma nova visão do vínculo entre as suas contribuições, procurando evitar colocá-los meramente como opostos ou complementares. ABSTRACT Lacan and Derrida are among the most influential thinkers of the second half the 20th century. Both were labeled as “structuralists”, and both denied energetically that label. Late Mexican analyst F. Saal examines here the differences and points of approximation between the work of these two giants of French thought. Qual o papel da linguagem na divulgação do sentido técnico da análise? Essa questão é aqui discutida a partir de diferentes níveis de sustentação da fala, especialmente em situações de incapacidade associativa. ABSTRACT The authors discuss the role of language in the technique of Psychoanalysis. States of incapacity to associate are related to traumas, and a case is brought to illustrate how speech can be sustained in different levels of the subject’s experience. Ante as características das subjetividades na contemporaneidade, processos constitutivos impõem-se aos sujeitos, tornando-se necessário supor a existência de um “lugar psíquico de constituição de subjetividade”. ABSTRACT Post-modern conditions impose specific patterns of constitution for subjectivity, which take their root ats a specific “psychical place of the constitution of subjectivity”; they are equivalent to a process of foundation. The paper also examines Freud’s description of psychic conflict and evaluates its adequacy to post-modern conditions. O mistério do local da morte de Édipo, como o que não se deixa cifrar – condição do enigma – leva a uma reflexão sobre a importância do que se furta ao saber, e sobre como o vital se dá sob o manto dos desaparecimentos. ABSTRACT In “Oedipus at Colonum”, the tragic hero asks for rest in a foreign land, and, at the end of his journey chooses a place to die that becomes a mystery. Mystery is different from enigma because it defies decipherment; hence this reflection on “that which withdraws from knowledge”, and the conclusion that what is vital happens under the mantle of “disappearance”. Ted Hughes e Sylvia Plath, recém-casados e vivendo em Boston, passeavam à beira do rio Charles. Detiveram-se para apreciar a paisagem: a água fluía e refluía sobre as pedras, em ondas circulares, enlaçando-as. ABSTRACT This article focuses on the marital relationship between Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath and its consequences on their creative work and lives. The “lariat” is the central metaphor around which the psychic representations are organised in order to analyse the different layers of the couple interactions: the instinctual, the artistic and the social ones. In this first part the author deals with Hughes’ autobiographical, poetic and fictional production. Sylvia Plath, em entrevista à BBC, disse considerar admissível e legítimo que um poeta use a própria biografia como fonte de inspiração, desde que essa seja elaborada metaforicamente. ABSTRACT Having analysed Hughes’ psychic traits vis a vis this poetics, the author will focus in Sylvia Plath’s development as a poet and wife. The couple entertained a vision of art and existence that favoured the dissolution of the ego into mysticism and nature. Sylvia Plath’s identification with her husband’s mythical projections on her had both a devastating effect that induced her into suicide and a maniac excitement that erupted as overwhelming poetry. O artigo reflete sobre a forma contemporânea de se lidar com a experiência do parto, como encenação da dificuldade de conciliar maternidade, erotismo e morte, para reavaliar interpretações psicanalíticas dos distúrbios da maternagem. ABSTRACT This paper sheds light on contemporary ways to deal with the experience of giving birth, and shows how difficult it is to conciliate motherhood, eroticism and death. It reevaluates analytic interpretations of the disturbances of maternity; these interpretations, based exclusively on the subjectivity of women, foster feelings of guilt, because they dismiss the cultural context in which those disturbances occur. Todo psicanalista já se viu confrontado com impasses, ou com efeitos iatrogênicos no tratamento de pacientes marcados por dificuldades na associação livre, pelo surgimento de silêncios e angústias indizíveis. ABSTRACT Every psychoanalyst has faced impasses or even the iatrogenic effects of some therapeutical processes. Long periods of silence, feelings of emptiness, moments of melancholy, acting-outs or organic symptoms are the hallmarks of these moments. The analyst is then forced to reevaluate the setting and the method of working with this kind of patients, to invent a “clinic of disorganizations” both similar to, and different from, usual psychoanalytic practice. Partindo do caso de um psicótico, atendido em uma instituição, esse texto visa a situar as construções delirantes no quadro da situação existencial do paciente. ABSTRACT This paper presents a case of psychosis treated in an institution of mental health. It suggests that a psychoanalytic approach to the psychoses should privilege the creation of a “place to exist”, and that this can be based upon a careful employment of the patients own delusional constructions. O artigo retoma as discussões que, a propósito da regularização das psicoterapias pelo parlamento francês, mobilizaram direta ou indiretamente as comunidades profissionais. ABSTRACT As this issue begins to be discussed in Brazil, Mr. Aguiar brings to the fore the discussions that mobilized the professional communities involved with the practice of psychotherapy. The French Parliament passed recently a law that affected psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists; the paper presents its basic tenets and the reactions and critiques that it provoked. | |
ENTREVISTA | Tarefa difícil esta de apresentar o multifacetado analista Emílio Marcos Rodrigué. Afinal, são 82 anos de uma vida eletrizante, devidamente re gistrada com sua veia literária em livros1 e artigos que passeiam da autobiografia às experiências profissionais e às formulações teóricas... ABSTRACT Argentinian analyst Emílio Rodrigué – who once analyzed Melanie Klein’s grandson – has had an unique career since he went on the couch in the forties. He has studied for a while with Suzanne Langer in the USA, and had a pivotal role in the discussions that eventually led to major reforms in the organization of the psychoanalytic world scene. Now living in Bahia, he presents here his views on of analytical practice and on the panorama of contemporary Psychoanalysis. | DEBATE | Desde a descoberta do inconsciente freudiano, as implicações das transformações histó ricas e sociais na constituição da subjetivida de tem convocado a psicanálise a pensar seu lugar na cultura. O debate deste número retoma esta interrogação ao investigar a posição do psicanalista contemporâneo em relação à delimitação do seu campo de atuação. Convidamos psicanalistas que têm demonstrado preocupação e interesse em pensar as relações entre o coletivo e o individual, o sujeito e sua inserção política social, para responder à seguinte questão:
Na busca de compreender os enigmas do psiquismo humano, Freud demonstrou interesse e preocupação em relacionar o funcionamento psíquico do sujeito com os grandes eventos da humanidade. Seu empenho pode ser constatado em vários artigos... ABSTRACT Four analysts of different orientation cope here with a touchy issue: in what measure is today’s Psychoanalysis keeping up with Freud’s keen attention to cultural and social issues? Terrorism, fundamentalisms, modern atrocities, the violence – overt or discreet – that pervades contemporary life, are some of the subjects addressed in these short but stimulating contributions. | LEITURAS | Resenha de, "Os limites da razão: Habermas, Lyotard, Melanie Klein" - Emília Steuerman, trad. de Júlio Castañon. Rio de Janeiro, Imago, 2003, 188 p. ABSTRACT By Luis Claudio Figueiredo – review of Emília Steverman, Os Limites da Razão: Habermas, Lyotard, M. Klein This book crosses the boundaries that usually separate Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. It criticizes Habermas’ understanding of Psychoanalysis, examines Lyotard’s use of it to renovate ethics and political thinking, and suggests that a careful consideration of Klein’s contribution could bring into Philosophy some much-needed tools to cope with its present problems and culs-de-sac. Resenha de "Circuitos da solidão – Entre a clínica e a cultura" - Bernardo Tanis. São Paulo, FAPESP/Casa do Psicólogo, 2003, 205 p. ABSTRACT By Nelson Coelho Jr. – review of Bernardo Tanis, Circuitos da Solidão
This new book by Bernardo Tanis discusses different forms of solitude, taken from a wide variety of situations, including fiction, psychoanalytic treatment and social circumstances. A theoretical elaboration is proposed to clarify why they are varieties of the same basic constellation, even if their appearance would not suggest this at a first glance. Resenha de "Psicanálise e direito. A escuta analítica e a função normativa jurídica" - Mara Caffé. São Paulo, Quartier Latin, 2003, 231 p. ABSTRACT By Sidney Shine – review of Mara Caffé, Psicanálise e Direito: a escuta psicanalítica e a função normativa jurídica
The interface of Psychoanalysis and Law is here analyzed through theoretical and methodological issues involving the resolution of conflicts, both in a psychoanalytic setting (by working transference through) and in the legal system (by a judge’s sentence). The psychoanalyst who acts as an expert in court finds himself at the crossroads of these two areas, especially in cases involving families (divorces, adoptions, disputes among heirs, and so on). Resenha de "Fernando Pessoa, aquém do eu, além do outro" - Leyla Perrone-Moisés. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2001, 318 p. ABSTRACT By Cleusa Rios P. Passos – review of Leyla Perrone-Moisés, "Fernando Pessoa, aquém do eu, além do outro"
Ms. Perrone-Moysés is the leading disciple of Roland Barthes in Brazil. Her book studies Pessoa’s heteronyms in an effort to understand the poet’s effort to “feel everything in every possible manner”. Pessoa’s attraction to the briefer forms of poetry is here reciprocated by a writing remarkable for its agility, which also takes the form of short chapters and essays. Resenha de "Melanie Klein – Estilo e Pensamento" - Elisa Maria de Ulhoa Cintra e Luis Cláudio Figueiredo. São Paulo, Escuta, 2004. ABSTRACT By Alfredo Naffah Neto – review of Luis Claudio Figueiredo and Elisa M. Ulhoa Cintra, "Melanie Klein, Estilo e Pensamento"
This recension emphazises the style of the book, whose authors present a clear introduction to Klein’s ideas from a general standing point that they name “somber Illuminism”. Lacan had called her, half jokingly, “la tripière inspirée” – “an inspired butcher” – alluding to the weight of archaic elements and of primeval violence in her description of the unconscious. This book, feels Mr. Naffah, gives a balanced perspective on Klein’s thought, exploring its internal logic and the origins of her concepts both in clinical practice and in a very personal reading of Freud. Resenha de "A relação mãe – filha" - Malvine Zalcberg. Rio de Janeiro, Campus, 2003, 205 p. ABSTRACT By Marly Ciriaco Vianna – review of Malvine Zalcberg, "A relação mãe-filha"
What are the specific traits of the relationship between mother and daughter? Ms. Zalcberg presents Freud’s and Lacan’s views on this issue and on feminine sexuality; then she turns her attention to that most central relationship, for it is around it that femininity is organized. Resenha de "O Perigo de curar-se" - Beatriz Mecozzi. São Paulo, FAPESP/Via Lettera, 2003, 164 p. ABSTRACT By Sergio Telles – review of Beatriz Meccozi, "O perigo de curar-se"
The concept of “therapeutic negative reaction” covers a broad range of phenomena associated with failure in the analytic process and ultimately based on the invincible force of the compulsion to repeat. This book reviews the literature on the subject and illustrates it with some clinical fragments. Resenha de "Desafios para a psicanálise contemporânea" - Lucia Barbero Fuks e Flávio Carvalho Ferraz (orgs.). São Paulo, Escuta, 2003, 264 p. ABSTRACT By Nayra C. P. Ganhito – review of Lucia B. Fuks and Flávio C. Ferraz (orgs.), "Desafios para a Psicanálise Contemporânea"
This collection addresses the new questions and demands that face analysts today, and which originate from the sweeping changes in social structures in the last few decades. Those demands – which could be described as “this side of fantasy and beyond the pleasure principle” – are taken as a pivotal point from which new theoretical elaboration and new clinical techniques can be developed. Resenha de "Arte e Psicanálise" - Tania Rivera. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 2002, 74 p. ABSTRACT By Edson L. A. de Souza – review of Tania Riviera, "Arte e Psicanálise"
Professor Rivera traces here a brief history of the relationships between art and Psychoanalysis, indicating points of convergence and of dissonance. Some psychoanalytic concepts that opened up a fruitful dialogue with the arts are then examined; from here, she turns her attention to particular movements and works that, during the last century, have contributed to enhance this dialogue with our discipline. | |