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EDITORIAL | | TEXTOS | O autor da Teoria dos Campos a emprega aqui para refl etir sobre os diferentes “regimes” que podem servir como fundamento para a formação dos “campos” – e que ultrapassam o indivíduo para se inscrever na trama do social. ABSTRACT This paper explores the idea of a regime of terrorism, a political system that seems to be replacing national policies. Into consideration are also taken the traumatic effects of the threat of total annihilation during the Cold War. Lack of social substance in our lives and phenomena of self-aggression that affect human body (like obesity and anorexia) are discussed in their relationship and similarity to the “war that never happened”. Uma reflexão sobre o resgate de um olhar genealógico para o fenômeno traumático na clínica contemporânea, marcada pela incidência de subjetividades caracterizadas pela pobreza dos processos de simbolização e da capacidade de fantasiar. ABSTRACT Based on Sándor Ferenczi’s theory of traumatogenesis as revisited by D. W. Winnicott, the author argues that a genealogical insight into traumatic phenomena enriches clinical thought. Contemporary psychoanalysis often has to deal with a type of subjectivity characterized by the paucity of symbolization processes and of capacity to fantasize. Utilizando idéias de Fabio Herrmann, este artigo busca na obra de Freud as raízes da Teoria dos Campos. Clínica e teoria são as fontes desta perspectiva, tanto num autor como no outro. ABSTRACT Fábio Herrmann’s Theory of Fields is here shown to be rooted in Freud’s work, both from a clinical and a theoretical point of view. The notion of “disruption of a fi eld” is employed to probe how and where interpretation acts and makes insight possible. Maurice Blanchot, Jean Laplanche and Pierre Fédida contribute to refi ning this sophisticated description of the analytic process. O abuso sexual contra crianças representa uma verdadeira catástrofe em suas vidas. Aqui, algumas reflexões sobre como ela se manifesta, tanto estatisticamente quanto do ponto de vista da clínica psicanalítica. ABSTRACT Sexual abuse is a veritable catastrophe in the life of a child. Many of the victims know their aggressor, who is often a member of the family. Defenses against the feelings of helplessness and anxiety that arise from brutal desidealization of an internal object include the creation of veritable mental “crypts”. The representations clustering around the abuse can become walled in these crypts, making impossible any further elaboration except by means of a thorough analysis. A figura clínica da perversão tem sido definida na literatura por meio de dois eixos conceituais: o do desvio sexual e o da especificidade da transferência perversa. Seriam eles complementares, ou excludentes? ABSTRACT Perversion has been clinically defi ned in literature by two conceptual axes, found in both the British wing of Psychoanalysis and in the Lacan-inspired French wing: sexual deviation and the specifi city of perverse transference. This paper discusses how each school approaches these axes and how they are mutually related. The question we should ask is, are these axes complementary or mutually exclusive? The author feels that the scales tip towards complementarity, but with some qualifi cations. Um menino agitado, de quem ninguém gosta, que só se comunica por meio de tapas, socos e gritos. Por que? O que ele está tentando comunicar? E como fazê-lo sentir que alguém ouviu seu sofrimento? ABSTRACT This paper moves in two planes: the narrative and discussion of a severe case of infantile neurosis, and an imaginary dialogue with Winnicott as the treatment develops. Thomas had in him huge amounts of hate and aggression, linked to profound feelings of helplessness and despair. His defenses serve the purpose of protecting him from a dreaded collapse, but at the same time, because of the extraordinary violence of his behavior, alienate from him his family and caretakers. Step by step, “guided” by Winnicott’s hints, the analyst succeeds in establishing communication with and an adequate distance from the child – neither enclosing him in an unwanted proximity nor letting him feel abandoned. Muito se tem discutido sobre as fronteiras entre o tratamento psicanalítico clássico e as “psicoterapias”. Inspirado num caso descrito por Freud, este artigo procura situar de outro modo as clássicas distinções entre ambos. ABSTRACT The boundaries between classic psychoanalytic treatment and the modalities known as “psychotherapy” have given rise to many debates. This paper is inspired by Freud’s Katharina case, as well by clinical experiences of the author. “Evidences” based on a blind acceptance of clinical norms are questioned in order to open room for the specifi city of each analytical pair. Analytic work based on parameters different from orthodox practice should not be discarded because of prejudice, the author concludes. O presente artigo põe em evidência a necessidade de questionar o lugar da supervisão na formação do analista, por meio da recuperação de sua origem histórica e do mapeamento das diversas formas de exercer essa prática. ABSTRACT Since the days of the Berlin institute, supervision has been one of the main pillars of psychoanalytic training. This paper takes an historical approach to the problems involved in supervision. Several conceptions of what it should consist of are examined, among them Vilma Kovács’ and Conrad Stein’s. The possible unconscious employment of supervision to foster resistance in the supervisand’s own analysis – an intriguing phenomenon – is also discussed. Adolescentes sem perspectiva apresentam-se em nossos consultórios. O encontro com o psicanalista representa uma das vias possíveis para endereçar o enigma da futura vida adulta. ABSTRACT For a teenager, the encounter with a psychoanalyst is one of the ways to address the enigma of adulthood without making use of methods that transgress social pacts. This article addresses marginality and the jouissance of transgression at this time of life, in which mutations in body and mind can lead to severe clinical conditions. A case involving a migratory process and a severe identifi cation crisis illustrates the search for an idealized identity through the acquisition of new cultural roots. Neste artigo a autora busca interrogar o parricídio como núcleo da defi nição do que é um pai, por meio de uma leitura comentadada obra de Freud O homem Moisés e a religião monoteísta. ABSTRACT This paper examines the concept of father in Moses and Monotheism. The main point of Freud’s enigmatic last work, the author argues, is not to demonstrate the murder of the father, but to unveil the origins of myth and to establish hypothesis about how it can be written. | |
ENTREVISTA | Luís Carlos Menezes é membro do Departamento de Psicanálise do Instituto Sedes Sapientiae, no qual deu aulas, supervisões e seminários por mais de dez anos. Também é membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo, à qual se afi liou após seu regresso da França, e da qual foi eleito presidente no ano de 2005. Naquele país fez a sua formação, entre outros, com J. B. Pontalis, P. Fédida e Marianne Lagache.
O percurso deste colega vindo da Psiquiatria, com uma passagem pelos laboratórios de Biologia do Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifi que, é dos mais interessantes. Ao longo dos anos, seu talento de polemista e a solidez de seus conhecimentos o tornaram uma espécie de porta-voz de Freud e da Psicanálise francesa entre os analistas de inclinação mais britânica da Sociedade; por outro lado, no Sedes de Regina Schnaiderman, seu enraizamento no modo francês de fazer e de pensar a Psicanálise cabia como uma luva.
Autor de artigos importantes, reunidos em livro (Fundamentos de uma Clínica Freudiana, Escuta, 2002), participante ativo do movimento paulista – esteve por exemplo na origem das visitas de Pierre Fédida à nossa cidade – e agudo observador da cena analítica mundial, Menezes conta nesta entrevista um pouco da sua trajetória, discute questões clínicas, sociais e teóricas, e conta histórias saborosas. Vamos ouvi-lo. ABSTRACT Luís Carlos Menezes, both a member of the Department of Psychoanalysis of Instituto Sedes Sapientiae and current president of the São Paulo IPA section, has been trained in France. After settling in our city in 1984, he has been instrumental in bridging the gap between local British-influenced psychoanalysis and the currents prevailing in France. Pierre Fédida’s visits to São Paulo, which have had a profound effect on many of our colleagues, sprang from an initiative of Dr. Menezes. Here he speaks about his training years and about the contemporary scene of Psychoanalysis, with special emphasis on the controversial “new pathologies”. | DEBATE | O que seria da Psicanálise sem as teses freudianas a respeito da sexualidade infantil? De que inconsciente se trataria, então? Nenhum psicanalista se disporia sequer levar a sério perguntas tão descabidas. Entretanto, sabemos da presença de controvérsias no universo das teorias psicanalíticas sobre o que seja e qual seja o lugar da sexualidade infantil na condução das análises. Um livro merece ser especialmente lembrado nesse contexto: Lês Chaînes d’Eros – actualité du sexual (André Green, 1997). O que levou Green a afi rmar veementemente a sexualidade infantil – ou seja, a vida erótica presente desde o nascimento – nas bases da conduta analítica parece ser uma preocupação com os destinos das pulsões nas diversas teorizações contemporâneas. O debate, cujo foco é a sexualidade infantil, é um debate sobre os destinos da psicanálise entendida desde o interior de seus próprios fundamentos. Por levarmos em conta a importância desse aspecto no processo de formação de analistas e na condução de todas as análises, decidimos propor a dois colegas que colaborassem, nesta edição de Percurso, atendendo à nossa seguinte formulação:
“Completado mais de um século da publicação de Três Ensaios de Teoria Sexual, que sabemos compartilhar importância com A Interpretação dos Sonhos, gostaríamos do seu comentário sobre a relevância e a pertinência atuais desse texto freudiano para as elaborações psicanalíticas contemporâneas.”
O leitor, agora, contará, em suas próprias ponderações, com as palavras que se seguem para indagar a Psicanálise sobre ela própria. ABSTRACT What is the place of infantile sexuality in the way we conduct treatments today? Important as the theses on this subject are to Freud’s theory, it has been noted (by André Green, among others) that in practice they seem much less present than in former decades. This is due more to emphasis in other areas of mental functioning than to infantile sexuality having lost its central place in the processes of constitution and development of the mind, say our colleagues in this debate, which focuses on the relevance of Freud’s There Essays for contemporary practice. | LEITURAS | Resenha de Leda Maria Codeço Barone (org.), A Psicanálise e a clínica extensa, São Paulo, Casa do Psicólogo, 2005, 460 p. ABSTRACT The book Psychoanalysis and the extensive clinic contains 31 papers sharing the basic assumptions of Fábio Herrmann’s “Theory of the Fields”. The papers, presented at a national meeting of his followers in 2003, exemplify in a wide variety of topics the subtlety and fecundity of the Herrmannian approach, which is presented and commented upon in other papers of this issue of Percurso. The title of the review alludes to a well-known song by Chico Buarque. Resenha de Maria Rita Kehl, Ressentimento: clínica psicanalítica, São Paulo, Casa do Psicólogo, 2004, 247 p. ABSTRACT Review of Maria Rita Kehl, Ressentimento: clínica psicanalítica. Resentment is not frequently studied in psychoanalytic literature. This book addresses in depth psychoanalytic concepts related to this emotion and examples taken from fi ction. Philosophers like Nietzsche are brought into the discussion, which illuminates several aspects of clinical work in which resentment plays a decisive role. Resenha de M. Aisenstein, A. Fine e G. Pragier (orgs.), Hipocondria, São Paulo, Escuta, 2002, 201 p. ABSTRACT Review of Maria Helena Fernandes, Hipocondria. This collection presents essays originally published in the Revue Française de Psychanalyse (1995), plus an extensive analysis of the subject by Brazilian psychoanalyst Maria Helena Fernandes. Several elements related to this condition are investigated: narcissism, primary masochism, persecutory objects, the overlapping of self-eroticism and self-preservation, etc. The history of hypochondria in medicine, its transcultural value and dream hypochondria as related to psychosomatic symptoms are also discussed. Resenha de Ana Cleide Guedes Moreira, Clínica da melancolia, São Paulo, Escuta/Edufpa, 2002, 168 p. ABSTRACT Review of Ana Cleide Guedes Moreira, Clínica da Melancolia. Aids and death, sexuality and danger, drive to live and yearning for death are some of the topics examined in this book, which was originally a PhD thesis. Depressive states and immunologic defi cits are often associated; psychoanalytic method, being a classical and effective way of looking into depression, should be more utilized to understand the confl icts involved with a diagnosis of AIDS, the author feels. A clinical story is presented to show how this can be done. Resenha de Sybil Safdie Douek, Memória e exílio, São Paulo, Escuta, 2003, 231 p. ABSTRACT Review of Sybil Douek, Memória e exílio. The book examines the concept of memory in opposition to history, employing for this task Walter Benjamin’s refl ections. Past extends in present through remembrance, but the paths of the latter follow no logical sequence, and rational efforts are useless to bring sense to past experiences. This thesis in illustrated by an in-depth analysis of the Jewish Passover festival, which annually re-enacts the imperative to remember the story of liberation from Egypt. Resenha de Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker, O cálculo neurótico do gozo, São Paulo, Escuta, 2002, 232 p. ABSTRACT Review of Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker, O cálculo neurótico do gozo. The author investigates an important concept of Jacques Lacan, jouissance, from the angle of its intersection with clinical practice. Going beyond the mere description of the concept, he sees the psychoanalyst as someone who deals daily with the economy of jouissance and with its consequences, both in the development of the process and in the conclusion of an analysis. Resenha de Renato Mezan, A sombra de Don Juan e outros ensaios, São Paulo, Casa do Psicólogo, 2005, 310 p. ABSTRACT Review of Renato Mezan, A sombra de Don Juan e outros ensaios. Renato Mezan’s essays about narcissism, elaboration of trauma, training analysis and other topics, now republished, present a considerable interest. His approach of the epistemological problems that emerge from Psychoanalysis, as well as his keen study of the relations between our discipline and broader culture, help the practitioner to sharpen his listening and open up broader horizons for applied Psychoanalysis. Resenha de Karina Codeço Barone, Realidade e luto: um estudo da transicionalidade, São Paulo, Casa do Psicólogo, 2004, 128 p. ABSTRACT Review of Katrina Codeço Barone, Realidade e luto: um estudo da transicionalidade. Based on Winnicott’s ideas and on her own clinical experience, the author refl ects about the importance of elaborating mourning in the psychotherapeutic work with severely affected children. In this context, she points out the connections between Freud’s and Ferenczi’s theories, and stresses Winnicott’s very important contribution. Resenha de Françoise Dolto, A causa dos adolescentes, São Paulo, Idéias & Letras, 2004, 350 p. ABSTRACT Review of Françoise Dolto, The cause of the teenagers (La cause des adolescents) Françoise Dolto’s last book, published after her death in 1988, results from her inquiries about adolescence. She considers it to be a period both of fragility and of enchantment. Grown-ups should respect and help the youngsters who have to go through this very diffi - cult phase, she says. An important feature of her approach is emphasis on the rites of passage, something our Western societies seem to have lost view of. | |
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